Friday, April 29, 2011

Jom Heboh, Kuantan

It has been a fun 2 days to meet up with the people of Kuantan. Got some fun shots of visitors to our Kraft Cheese booth.

The weather was hot hot hot!!! All the promoters got sunburn despite them being the local Kuantan kids. It surprises me as I expected them to be getting under the sun often as they have awesome beaches and islands(Redang is just an hour drive).

As for me, i hide myself in my mobile studio, so I don't get sunburn as bad as the promoters.
Our Mr Deejay doing activity to draw in crowd.
Our mobile studio.

All visitors who made a purchase at Kraft would get an instant photo taken at our mobile studio.

My mobile studio with Speedlights to light up my shots.

Fun day for Kuantan people. ckChan Studio are bringing you instant family photography @ Jom Heboh TV3 in Kuantan for today and tomorrow(30th Apr - 1st May'11). Come join us for a fun weekend.

CkChan Studio

Location:Kuantan, Pahang

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