Monday, August 22, 2011

Instant Photobooth

Walk-in Photobooth

It was fabricated to celebrate our clients annual event. Shoppers can pose in the privacy of the photobooth away from the prying eyes of others. At the end of it, they can take back an instant momento to celebrate the joy of togetherness.
Photos that the shopper get to take back.

Walk in Photobooth that's equipped with props to make their session more fun. Photobooth equipped with an instant preview screen for shoppers to view their photos while waiting for the print to be ready.

Action Instant Photobooth

Another challenge to capture the excited moment of the people on this special ride.
The challenge here would be to be able to capture the emotion of the participant the moment the seats are released. The photos would be ready for pick up within 10 minutes after their experience on the Dunking Machine.

High Speed Automated Photobooth

A new challenge to capture client's shots remotely. Requires special setup where the camera are controlled remotely so that the action would not be blocked from view by us.
As an extra challenge, we are required to capture the puff of smoke that's ejected for a mere split second. Then the photos have to be transmitted to print without us having to climb up to the camera to get the memory card.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Photobook your memories!!!

Don't let your awesome memories caged up in a harddisk or even DVD. Parade them to the world!!!

Don't be shy and keep your awesome photograph in your memory card!! We want to see your photos being printed on paper!!

We have various finishing for you to choose from. Among the most popular photobook would be the fullwrap photobook.

It features a full cover print from front to back, a great idea when you want to quickly pull out that recent trip album from your bookshelf.

To ensure the book last as long as possible, the pages are sewn together.

For extra protection, you can opt to have a customized protection box.

For those who prefer a more elegant finishing, do go for the debossed photobook. Wrapped in elegant fabric, giving you the lavish design look to your cherished memories.

You can also choose from our range of softcovers.

Anyone who's looking for a personalized gift, there's desktop calendar.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lost N Found Area...

During any of my sessions that involve kids, I'd recommend parents to bring in their fav toys or stuff so that they have something familiar to play with during the shoot.

Most of the time, it works as it calms them down and brighten up the session.

But sometime, toys get left behind. When I find these wayward toys, I introduce them to my other toys, so that they wont get lonely. And provide them a shelter until the owners return for them.

They are comfortable n happy here, but I'm sure they'd love to be re-united with their owners, hence this blog.

So anyone who knows the owners of the stuff posted here, please inform the owner ya... I'm sure he or she would missed them;)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Covering Oreo Fathers Day Event

More photos of the actual event day. Everyone had a chance to try out our dunking machine, while had their photos taken while being dropped into the huge vat of 'milk'.

My job is to make sure their face of fear are captured and printed instantly for their keeping.

Late nite setup day to prepare for Sunday's event

Curious to know what this do? Drop by at 1 Utama new wing this Sunday to find out!!

Hope to see u all there. If u happen to be here, do say hello. Just want to put some faces to some of my page readers;)


Location:1 Utama

Saturday, May 28, 2011

ckChan Studio got a new home

We got ourself a new home!!

My froggy got a new home..

Still moving in all the stuff, and the place looks like a mess, but the ideal place for capturing memories are taking shape.

We'll have more space n cozier environment for our shooting.

Will keep u all updated on the progress. But come 1st week June, we'll be fully operational.

Location:Sri Petaling

Friday, May 6, 2011

Bring your kids to work (sort of...)

A new way to bring your kids to work. A table calendar custom printed with your baby's photo on every month.

A great stress reliever when faced with that difficult situation at work!

Or a great gifts to the husband and father who are forgetful when comes to birthday, but not to a guys nite out.

CkChan Studio

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My photographic equipments

I work mostly out of my studio lately. Can't beat the comfortable, full blasting aircond at your face while you try to direct a shoot, be it toddler, family or model portfolio. And to have all your equipment displayed nicely on a shelf at arms reach are unbeatable.

But from time to time, jobs requires offsite shoots. That's when the back breaking hauling of our studio equipment to the site drains me. Often, forgetting the smallest item, example a flash trigger, or the special power cable for the flash could render the equipment useless.

So I've developed a few rules that would minimize hassle:

1. Flash for my camera - Use equipment that's field replaceable, example, instead of a studio strobe with power pack, go for the speedlights. It only needs 4 pcs of AA batt, which u can get anywhere in the world.

2. Portable printer. I prefer the Selphy 4R printer range. The size of the printer is key! I can pack this into my luggage and since it's a dye-sub printer, no spilled ink to worry about. The paper and color ribbon comes in a pack, and again no worry about refilling ink or various ink cartridges. If I ever runs out of ink in the middle of a shoot, I just have to run out to any camera store to get supplies.
This printer even runs on battery, so this gives me option when I really need it.

3. Underwater camera. I got a friend who's twin baby knows how to hold their breath underwater!! When I know about it, I got to record it, but to waterproof my current gear, it would require thousands of Ringgit. Solved that with the GoPro camera, waterproof n shockproof right out of the box for less than RM2k.

4. "Swiss Army Knife" kind of smart phone. As a travelling photographer, we are required to be on the road quite often. But to promote our services, we can now put our work on social networks and blog. To reply our customer in a timely manner calls for us to be able to access our FB, Twitter, Blog, email and MSN wherever and whenever.
To solve this, I stand by my iPhone4(with travelling charger). With the host of apps available, I can reply to all customer inquiry wherever I am.
The phone can even be a microphone, when our DJ's microphone ran out of battery in the middle of a show!
The list expands over time, as I face with new challenges that requires new solutions. If you are interested to find out more about how I use the above for my job, do leave a reply here.
Or if you have some problem that can't seem to solve, you can also put it up here.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Jom Heboh, Kuantan

It has been a fun 2 days to meet up with the people of Kuantan. Got some fun shots of visitors to our Kraft Cheese booth.

The weather was hot hot hot!!! All the promoters got sunburn despite them being the local Kuantan kids. It surprises me as I expected them to be getting under the sun often as they have awesome beaches and islands(Redang is just an hour drive).

As for me, i hide myself in my mobile studio, so I don't get sunburn as bad as the promoters.
Our Mr Deejay doing activity to draw in crowd.
Our mobile studio.

All visitors who made a purchase at Kraft would get an instant photo taken at our mobile studio.

My mobile studio with Speedlights to light up my shots.

Fun day for Kuantan people. ckChan Studio are bringing you instant family photography @ Jom Heboh TV3 in Kuantan for today and tomorrow(30th Apr - 1st May'11). Come join us for a fun weekend.

CkChan Studio

Location:Kuantan, Pahang

Friday, April 22, 2011

How did you make them to pose for you?

How did you make them pose? How long can they sit there and let you shoot them? My kid never sit still for 1 second!!

Today is the second day I'm at my promo booth and that's the questions asked when I introduce myself as a child photographer.
My answer is simple, yes they sit still long enough for that money shot.

Kids are a bunch that's very sensitive to their surrounding. If you try to instruct them to sit on a chair and smile to the camera, most likely they would do the opposite!

So the best approach is to let them have time to settle down at a spot, and not rush them. They would let us know when they are ready;)

To illustrate this, the photo attached was of twin brother & sister. Both have their own very different behavior. When both are placed on the spot, the brother would settle down relatively quickly while the sister would start exploring the place. This shot was captured when the sister started crawling toward me to check out the camera while the brother were content to just play with the toy.

Promotions going on at ckChan Studio booth in Bangsar Village

The booth is finally setup and in business. There are steady streams of shoppers who stop by to find out what's on offer.

Excited as usual, and would like to shoutout to all the products on promo here.

Instant 4R Family Portraiture...
- Take instant Family Portrait here in our off-site studio on our custom made swing, and do your part in contributing to the Bangsar Village Help Japan fund. Only RM10/shot.

DIY Photobooks on offer...
- Free 10 extra pages on all 20-pages Photobooks that you order, and on top of that, all pages would be laminated(gloss or matte) FOC.

PilloPet Special...
- Adopt a PilloPet here for RM89/each.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

CkChan Studio Parents Day promo booth

Come celebrate Parent's Day @ Bangsar Village 1. For the first time, ckChan Photography would be having a photography sales booth away from our studio. Come visit us @ Bangsar Village 1 from Friday, 22nd April'11 onwards. Lots of new photography products on specials. See you there!!!

Have a Family Portrait taken here at our Photography Booth for RM10/piece of 4R and do your part in helping the Japan Relief Fund. Visit us here to find out more.

CkChan Studio

Location:Bangsar Village

Friday, April 15, 2011

Remember to have fun

Just finished a family photography. They were a fun family to be with.
The results would always be better when everyone is having fun.

The recent shoot was of a family of four. The daughters were very cheeky and can't stop smiling. At one point the parent said it was probably due to the amount of chocolate that she took before the shoot.

Location:Jalan 6/116b,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ckChan Studio is in 4Square

ckChan Photography Studio is now on FourSquare.

As a start, check in for the first time here and get free photo print. Get more details when you check in here for the first time.

More specials would come your way, specifically for 4Square users...