Friday, June 24, 2011

Photobook your memories!!!

Don't let your awesome memories caged up in a harddisk or even DVD. Parade them to the world!!!

Don't be shy and keep your awesome photograph in your memory card!! We want to see your photos being printed on paper!!

We have various finishing for you to choose from. Among the most popular photobook would be the fullwrap photobook.

It features a full cover print from front to back, a great idea when you want to quickly pull out that recent trip album from your bookshelf.

To ensure the book last as long as possible, the pages are sewn together.

For extra protection, you can opt to have a customized protection box.

For those who prefer a more elegant finishing, do go for the debossed photobook. Wrapped in elegant fabric, giving you the lavish design look to your cherished memories.

You can also choose from our range of softcovers.

Anyone who's looking for a personalized gift, there's desktop calendar.

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